Prepare a list of differents type of spring and write their specification

Prepare a list of differents type of spring and write their specification

Introduction   A spring is an elastic object that stores mechanical energy. Springs are typically made of spring steel. There are many spring designs. In everyday use, the term often refers to coil springs. When a conventional spring, without stiffness variability features, is compressed or stretched from its resting position, it exerts an opposing force approximately proportional to its change in length (this approximation

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Thermal Power Plants

Thermal Power Plants

Introduction A thermal power plant may be a power plant during which heat is converted to electrical power. In most of the places within the world, the turbine is steam-driven. Water is heated, turns into steam, and spins a turbine which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed during a condenser and recycled to where it had been heated; this is often referred to as a

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